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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Body Weight Training with the TRX Suspension Trainer: Part II - Core Training

Getting those 6 pack abs is a goal that many aspire to accomplish but very few have the discipline to do so. I was listening to this great CD by Nick Serba of LegalShield titled 'Success 3...2..1.' in which he shares a very interesting perspective on the word 'discipline'. He talks about how he encounters people who say they don't have discipline. His counter argument was very interesting. He say that we all have and experience 'discipline'. You either have the discipline to stick to your goals and accomplish them or you are disciplined by others to do the things they wish you for you to accomplish. In other words, You either discipline yourself to do something to your benefit or or you allow somebody else will discipline you to do something to their benefit.

The same is true about your diet, your fitness regimen and just about anything you do to either get a six pack or a keg pack. The choice is yours but will you allow others to influence your decision to sway away from you health & fitness goals? When you allow someone to slip past your goals and violate all or some of the rules necessary to follow in order to get a six pack you literally allow someone else to discipline your efforts. Every single second which passes through our lives your either discipline yourself toward your success or your discipline yourself toward disappointment. Even when you encounter difficulty in achieving your goals, as Jim Rohn says it, "You have to learn to discipline your disappointment.
Things you must know that will affect you chances of getting that dream 6- pack. Your nutrition regimen will dictate the majority of your results. Manage stress because to much stress has a way of adding some belly fat in the midsection. Get adequate amounts of stress because poor sleeping habits has also been shown to contribute to difficulty in weight loss. Avoid alcohol, we've all heard of the notorious beer belly. Get your cardio in. If you are not a fan of walking or running you can still use other non-traditional forms of cardio like kettlebell training, heavy ropes or light weight interval training using your own body weight. These are just a few examples. You can also take aerobic classes or take up some dance lessons. The possibilities are endless when you exercise your imagination.  Before doing any form of suspension training with the TRX to work your core make sure you've mastered the basics. 
The core is compromised of your torso and hip region. Basically everything except for your arms and thighs is in one way or another a part of your core. When thinking of the core most people think it only involves the abdominal muscles but the truth is your core is also compromised of you Erector Spinae and Multifidus muscles. When thinking of training the core make sure you add a balanced program of flexing, extending, rotation but most importantly stabilization of the midsection. 
I wanted to make sure you first understood many factors that may either negatively or positively impact your results before we delve into exercises you can perform with the TRX to train your core and get those 6 pack abs you've been talking about. Keep following to read the next segment. 

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