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I hope that you will be able to use the information provided to make educated decisions about your health and fitness goals. All questions are welcome, so please ask! Also feel free to go to my website and learn more about my company.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Body Weight Training with the TRX Suspension Trainer: Part III - Core Training

We've discussed many concerned regarding core-training in the past two segments. You were probably frustrated and wondering when will we get to the actual core workout. Well the good news is we are not going to start that. Before we did I wanted to give you some tools to educate and provide you with precautions to prevent an unnecessary injury. You can click on the link below to follow the TRX Power Core Workout. Remember that everything is about progression. If you have bad knees or a bad back I would recommend you get cleared before attempting any of the jump training exercises included in the program.
Click Here for the workout: TRX Power Core Workout
Click Here to Purchase a TRX

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Body Weight Training with the TRX Suspension Trainer: Part II - Core Training

Getting those 6 pack abs is a goal that many aspire to accomplish but very few have the discipline to do so. I was listening to this great CD by Nick Serba of LegalShield titled 'Success 3...2..1.' in which he shares a very interesting perspective on the word 'discipline'. He talks about how he encounters people who say they don't have discipline. His counter argument was very interesting. He say that we all have and experience 'discipline'. You either have the discipline to stick to your goals and accomplish them or you are disciplined by others to do the things they wish you for you to accomplish. In other words, You either discipline yourself to do something to your benefit or or you allow somebody else will discipline you to do something to their benefit.

The same is true about your diet, your fitness regimen and just about anything you do to either get a six pack or a keg pack. The choice is yours but will you allow others to influence your decision to sway away from you health & fitness goals? When you allow someone to slip past your goals and violate all or some of the rules necessary to follow in order to get a six pack you literally allow someone else to discipline your efforts. Every single second which passes through our lives your either discipline yourself toward your success or your discipline yourself toward disappointment. Even when you encounter difficulty in achieving your goals, as Jim Rohn says it, "You have to learn to discipline your disappointment.
Things you must know that will affect you chances of getting that dream 6- pack. Your nutrition regimen will dictate the majority of your results. Manage stress because to much stress has a way of adding some belly fat in the midsection. Get adequate amounts of stress because poor sleeping habits has also been shown to contribute to difficulty in weight loss. Avoid alcohol, we've all heard of the notorious beer belly. Get your cardio in. If you are not a fan of walking or running you can still use other non-traditional forms of cardio like kettlebell training, heavy ropes or light weight interval training using your own body weight. These are just a few examples. You can also take aerobic classes or take up some dance lessons. The possibilities are endless when you exercise your imagination.  Before doing any form of suspension training with the TRX to work your core make sure you've mastered the basics. 
The core is compromised of your torso and hip region. Basically everything except for your arms and thighs is in one way or another a part of your core. When thinking of the core most people think it only involves the abdominal muscles but the truth is your core is also compromised of you Erector Spinae and Multifidus muscles. When thinking of training the core make sure you add a balanced program of flexing, extending, rotation but most importantly stabilization of the midsection. 
I wanted to make sure you first understood many factors that may either negatively or positively impact your results before we delve into exercises you can perform with the TRX to train your core and get those 6 pack abs you've been talking about. Keep following to read the next segment. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Body Weight Training with the TRX Suspension Trainer

Anyone who has ever trained with me has worked with the TRX Suspension Trainer at least once. They probably even recognize some of the images below as part of the routine we've incorporated into their exercise program. So why TRX you may wonder?
The TRX is one of the lightest most versatile pieces of equipment you can carry with you no matter where you go. It's the greatest thing for travelers. Besides using your body as a machine, the TRX is the next greatest thing to stepping it up a not for full body weight training popularly call calisthenics. There are so many fancy pieces of that clutter up gym floors. Most of the machines you see in the gym have either one use or a few variations unless you get creative and use them in ways which they were not designed for.
Just about any exercise you can think of that you would do as part of a body weight training method can be performed on the TRX with the added difficulty of instability. This is a great thing because the TRX Suspension Trainer can help add balance and stability that you might not be aware you are lacking. Some of the benefits according to the makes are, "Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete 100s of exercises". That is a whole lot for a piece of equipment and it even comes with it's own travel bag so you keep all the accessories that come with it and those which are sold separately. People who can largely benefit from using the TRX are those training for MMA, obstacle racing, sports performance, speed & agility, those serving in the military and people who tend to travel a lot for business.
In the next few weeks we will be going over several ways you can use the TRX Suspension Trainer from basic to more advanced. I will be covering some of the fundamental bodyweight training exercises and include a few advanced ones but if you really want to learn more cool exercises you can always e-mail me at or call me at (323)972-4487 so we can get together and try some tricks. 
To Purchase a TRX Suspension Trainer which comes with a Guide Click Here: TRX Suspension Trainer

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Foam Rollers: Do's & Don'ts 101: Part III

In the previous two parts of this series on Foam Rollers we discussed some of the benefits and dangers of using them. I didn't go over how to properly use a foam in the beginning because my goal was to educate you on the purpose and benefits but most importantly on the dangers of incorrectly using such a valuable piece of equipment. As I mentioned before, there are many people using them incorrectly in the gym so don't do something just because the person seems to look like they know what they are doing.
In Part I we discussed the benefits of Self-Myofascial Release for which Foam Rollers are a great tool. This simple device is great when you don't have the budget to invest on hiring someone to give you a professional sports massage, is low cost, readily available and very light which makes them easily transportable. In Part II you learned a little bit about anatomy so you can understand like in Part I, where and where not to use Foam Rollers and the reasons for that.

Here are best practices on using a Foam Roller for Self-Myofascial Release:
  • Great to use as part of your pre-stretching regimen prior to starting any static or dynamic stretching and before starting any exercise or physical activity.
  • Using slow movement of your body weight over the foam roller to look for tender spots
  • When you find tender spots, hold your body over the area for at least 30 to 90 seconds. Although this may be quite uncomfortable, hold your position over the tender spot until the pain diminishes from 50 - 75%
  • Look for more tender spots near the original point. Repeat the previous instructions on all tender areas. You may find that some tender spots close by are even more tender which is usually the original cause of more tight and tender spots. You can do one last long roll across the entire region once you have finished addressing the painful areas to help relax the entire muscle. Glide across slowly and from smaller to larger lengths. 
  • Always glide across parallel to the path of the muscle which you are working on.
  • Foam Rollers are a great tool to massage the muscle after an intense workout, therefore a great tool to use during your cool down. 
  • Follow this link to download a copy of Perform Betters' Foam Rolling Techniques PDF and get started on your own Foam Rolling regimen. 

I hope you found this 3 Part Series on Foam Rolling useful. If you have any questions I can always be reached at (323)972-4487 or 
To Purchase your own Foam Rollers Click Here: Foam Rollers

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Foam Rollers: Do's & Don'ts 101: Part II

I hope you enjoyed the first part of this series. The first half of this article focused on some of the benefits as well as some of the potential dangers of Foam Rollers. In this segment we will discuss some of the best situations in which to use a Foam Roller, proper use on certain muscles and more situations in which Foam Rolling is ill advisable.
So here is some more food for thought. It is ill advisable to Foam Roll on a tendon. You need to understand anatomy to realize that rolling on tendons is a bad idea. I will try and describe this in layman terms so you understand. Think of a muscle like a piece of rubber band or bungee band. If you stretch it, it regains it's form and with age just like our bodies, it begins to lose it's elasticity and can tear from over use. Tendons on the other hand are more like a piece of beef jerky. If you stretch it, it doesn't regain its shape so easily. In fact if you over stretch it, it loses it's original form which is what happens to tendons and ligaments when you injure them. The reason tendons recover so slowly is due to limited blood flow. If you use a large round marble to press and roll it over a rubber band, again like a muscle it regains its shape. If you do the same thing to a slice of beef jerky, well that just doesn't happen so easily. Using a Foam Roller on a tendon which exacerbate the overstretched tendon. A tight tendon, again if you understand anatomy, is actually due to a tight muscle. If a muscle is tight from injury or inadequate warm up, your tight muscle will pull at the tendons which connect it to the bone. So the tendon if you understand this, becomes the victim of a tight or knotted muscle until that tension is release. Once the tension on the muscle is release, the tension and strain on the tendon is like to release and relax unless the tendon was somehow directly overstretched such as in a sudden jerking and bending of the ankle due to excessive force.
As we discussed in Part I, make sure you are using your Foam Roller in areas where there is bone to protect the organs of your body. Also, don't do any rolling over your joints since there isn't much muscle in those area with the exception of the shoulder joint. You can roll over your Deltoids but it's actually quite difficult and awkward to do so. Instead have someone massage your shoulder with their hands or the famous runner's tool know as 'The Stick'.

Great areas of your body to use Foam Rollers are your Calves, Abductors, Adductors, Tensor Fascia Latae (NOT your IT Band - Ilio-Tibial Band), Piriformis, Latissimus Dorsi and Thoracic Spine (avoid the Lumbar Spine as mentioned before due to risk of putting excess pressure on your Kidneys). All ways roll parallel in the direction of the muscle length rather than the width. If you don't understand anatomy enough to know what I am saying or find the muscles I just mentioned, you are probably better off not doing any foam rolling techniques. Your more likely to cause a problem rather than fix or prevent a problem.